Whether you’re looking to replace an old fence or are ready to build a new one, constructing a fence is an investment in both time and money. There are quite a few types of fence material available these days, and different advantages and disadvantages to each one.
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Here in the central part of Arizona, we’re pretty lucky. Temperatures are mild from November to April, so keeping your livestock healthy is fairly easy. By Memorial Day though, it starts to heat up outside. Summer temperatures can clock in at well over 100 degrees, which can cause severe heat stress in your livestock. It’s important to know how to help your livestock stay cool and healthy, especially here in the desert.
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Introduction to Horse Pens A horse pen is a round or square enclosure used to train and exercise your horse. Round pens are more popular than square for a few reasons, but primarily because of the fact that the round shape prevents the horse from getting stuck in a corner. The round shape also helps your horse focus and keep its eyes on you rather than looking around and getting distracted, making it very effective for training. Horse pens are great for exercising and riding your horse, but keep in mind that if your horse is young, don’t overdo it!...
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So you’ve decided to raise baby chickens — congratulations! Raising backyard chickens is a rewarding hobby that provides you with lots of benefits such as high-quality eggs, pest control, and soil maintenance. We’re here to help you give your hatchlings the best environment possible so they grow up to be happy, healthy adult chickens. Read on for details on how to raise your new feathered friends.
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