Introduction to Horse Pens A horse pen is a round or square enclosure used to train and exercise your horse. Round pens are more popular than square for a few reasons, but primarily because of the fact that the round shape prevents the horse from getting stuck in a corner. The round shape also helps your horse focus and keep its eyes on you rather than looking around and getting distracted, making it very effective for training. Horse pens are great for exercising and riding your horse, but keep in mind that if your horse is young, don’t overdo it!...
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If your dog is your best friend, then you probably hate leaving him or her at home when you go out for a bite to eat with your friends. Believe us, we can relate. As you go to grab your keys, they stare at you with those puppy dog eyes, making you second guess leaving the house in the first place! But instead of staying in every night, why not grab the leash and bring your dog with you! Just be sure you take them somewhere that welcomes dogs. To help you out, we have compiled a list of our...
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You think you have what it takes to become a beekeeper? Well once you’re done reading this buzzworthy article, you certainly will! Beekeeping is a popular practice that is continuing to rise as the bee population declines. For years, honey was the major motivator for beekeeping. It was the only way to produce succulent sweetener for food and drinks — that is, until the discovery of cane sugar came along.
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So you’ve decided to raise baby chickens — congratulations! Raising backyard chickens is a rewarding hobby that provides you with lots of benefits such as high-quality eggs, pest control, and soil maintenance. We’re here to help you give your hatchlings the best environment possible so they grow up to be happy, healthy adult chickens. Read on for details on how to raise your new feathered friends.
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Do you love the great outdoors? Arizona is a great place for camping. Whether you’re toting a tent or driving an RV, you’ll find hundreds of campsites all over the state, many of them bordering national parks. To help you plan your next outdoor excursion, we created this list of our top ten best Arizona camping grounds.
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A town of many ranchers, horses, etc. needed a farm store like Shopper’s Supply! It has many things the local hardware & feed store does not carry and at good prices too! Employees seem friendly & helpful, so a joy to shop. Like being able to bring my dog in with me!
Mary C.
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Keeping Your Livestock Healthy Year-Round
Keeping Your Livestock Healthy Year-Round
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